Happy Hell 008: So you want to be a blogger – with Hanna Väyrynen

In the 8th Happy Hell episode we scrutinise the blogging sphere together with Hanna Väyrynen, who is the soul and beauty behind Strictly Style, a super successful style blog.

Hanna has been one of the first professional bloggers in Finland, she started back in 2009, and since then her Strictly Style blog has collected awards such as Best Fashion Blog, Most Stylish Blog, The Inspiration Blog and is read by thousands of readers every month. Plus Hanna is currently the brand ambassador of Lancome in Finland. With all of these achievements under her belt, it’s natural that she is a role model for many aspiring bloggers and this is why in this episode of Happy Hell podcast Hanna and I focus on the best practices and basic habits each style and fashion blogger should have.

However first and foremost she is a devoted mother of three boys, and you can imagine it keeps her busy. To save some of Hanna’s time we conducted the interview in Hanna’s home. So the audio quality might be slightly off – with occasional coughs and shuffles and a refrigerator hum. Stick it out with us though, it’s worth it.

The 8th episode of Happy Hell podcast is called So you want to be a blogger – and we cover a lot, starting from

  • how blogging became a profession,
  • what business models are available for professional bloggers,
  • how to decide pricing for different social media features,
  • how to find collaborators,
  • which brands to contact and why,
  • and what it means to be your own personal brand.

You might wonder how Niki Strbian met Hanna Väyrynen and this is the true story. When Hanna was expecting her first baby, she asked on her blog for recommendations of maternity photographer and few people gave my name. In my website statistics I saw an unusual influx of people coming from this blog called Strictly Style, so naturally I went to see what it was all about. When I saw Hanna, my heart started beating a little faster.

You know that feeling, when you know this could be a beginning of a beautiful friendship (Casablanca, yep). So I wrote to Hanna: “I hear you are looking for a belly photographer. Look no further, I am the one.” And so it all began…

Links mentioned in this episode

Ben Brooks – Rohkeiden poikien kirja
Strictly Style by Hanna Väyrynen
Hanna’s IG

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