Happy Hell 007: How to survive as a career mother – with Anni Erkko

And what a pleasure it has been to talk with Anni Erkko, the author of Uraäidin selviytymisopas (How to survive as a career mother) in my nearly finished photography/recording studio. Which is a fancy name for one room in which I intend to create magic.

But today I am here to speak with Anni about different magic – the magic formula she set out to find when she interviewed nine successful busy, career oriented mothers for her book. It was a personal quest for help as Anni felt overwhelmed with the same topic all career mothers face:

lack of time, underappreciation of own value as a mother, doubts, stress from not feeling good enough in any role, neverending to-do list and sense of no balance of own life, while everyone around seems to be hacking it just fine

Anni and I are here to break down some of these myths and get ready to hear the two pieces of advice that were pure golden nuggets found during the interviews for the book.

Listen and leave a your own opinion!

Links mentioned in this episode

Anni Erkko on Twitter
Anni’s book Uraäidin selviytymisopas

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